Monday, August 3, 2009


First only smell escapes from the damp, secluded cavern of sealed plastic technology - deli turkey. Slightly slimy and unwilling to part from its mates, a single slice is coaxed into the outside world. Already the dense brown bread sits precariously atop a paper towel in anxious anticipation. For one, the wait stretches to an immensely satisfying end as the folded turkey slice meets its carbohydrate counterpart. Still another joins them. The remaining slices, disregarded for now, are suddenly cut off from the fresh kitchen air as the thick fringe of their shroud is carefully and precisely re-zipped. Finally, the cheese appears on the scene. Lofty in its specificity, the high quality reduced fat provolone clings in overlapping rounds over the turkey, barely impeding past the strict boundaries of dark crust. Now, only one element of bare, isolated wheat product awaits the fulfillment of destiny. Having looked on to his brother's successes, he, too, yearns for the moment of crowning glory. At long last, the time has come - he is placed in perfectly symmetrical arrangement onto the previously wanting structure of sustenance. Foundation and roof, the united brothers stand strong. Even as the painful knife of medial binary division plunges down upon them, still they vow deliciousness and support.

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